Press releases and news
Here you will find our press releases and news
| newsIVL behind the Chinese environmental legislation in the Volkswagen lawsuit
Recently, Swedish media reported that a Chinese environmental organization is suing Volkswagen's Chinese import company for their import of diesel vehicles with manipulated software. The lawsuit is the first of its kind and is based on an updated environmental legislation that IVL has contributed to.
| newsA climate-smart shift in transport systems
The transport sector is still far from achieving the climate targets. Emissions trends point steeply upwards while the necessary emission reductions are pointing just as steep downhill. How can we speed up the transition to an energy efficient and climate-friendly transport system?
| newsThe EU-strategy for circular economy is "An important step forward even if some parts are missing"
The European Commission's new platform concerning circular economy has been criticized for not being ambitious enough. Åsa Stenmarck, waste expert at IVL, still sees a lot of value in the strategy - having a greater focus on eco-design and including several measures to increase the recovery and enable companies to create more environmentally friendly products.
| newsThe climate agreement - here are the arguments you need for the Christmas dinner debate
The world's first global climate change has been accepted. It is a historic event and it is hopefully a major topic for conversation at Christmas dinner this year. IVL's experts on international climate policy and energy, Lars Zetterberg and Markus Wråke, were in Paris. Here they share statements on the Paris agreement you can expect to hear, and what you need to know to outmaneuver your grandmother or impress your boyfriend, and as a bonus emanate a little light to your side of the debate.
| pressreleaseDirty plastic containers hamper our sorting efforts
Ice cream packages, plastic bags, sour cream cans and toothpaste tubes. We bring home large quantities of plastic packaging every year, but we need to be better at sorting them.
| pressrelease86 kg waste produced by a single mobile phone
A mobile phone gives rise to 86 kg of waste material, in the form of for instance mining waste and slag products. The cost of climate emissions for the same phone is estimated to 140 Swedish Crowns. The finished cell phone weighs about 169 grams and costs about 6 000 Swedish Crowns.
| newsNew report shows that Uganda can become 100 percent renewable by 2050
In a new report a scenario with 100 percent renewable energy future for Uganda is presented. According to the report, modern energy services can be rolled-out to the whole population by 2030, and by 2050 a modern energy system based on renewable energy sources can be achieved. The report is published by WWF Uganda Country Office and was developed by a team of researchers led by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
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