Press releases and news
Here you will find our press releases and news
| pressreleaseResearchers reveal a future beyond GDP growth
Expectations of economic growth are deeply rooted in our society. At the same time, ever-increasing consumption and production trigger increased pressure on the Earth's resources. Researchers in the Beyond GDP Growth project present findings that emphasize how important social goals in terms of welfare, social and ecological sustainability can be achieved through other means.
| pressreleaseDigital twins pave the way for innovations in water purification
IVL Swedish Environment Research Institute has launched a Vinnova sponsored project in which the mapping of a physical asset to a digital platform leverages understanding, prediction, and optimization. The project will explore how an open digital copy of a water treatment plant can contribute to innovation in the form of new products and services for efficient and sustainable water treatment.
| newsBeer from wastewater prized for best PR campaign
IVL and New Carnegie Brewery’s PU:REST beer, brewed from recycled water, has taken gold in this year’s best PR campaign and business to business categories at the Spinn national PR contest.
| pressreleaseIncreased e-commerce does not exacerbate urban traffic problems
E-commerce is growing fast. However, an ongoing research project in Gothenburg shows that increased online shopping and an associated upsurge in deliveries does not have to lead to a massive traffic increase and congestion in city centres. Instead, the service sector, with vehicles that often remain parked for a long periods of time, is the major challenge in this regard.
| pressreleaseEvery fifth product at recycling centres is reusable
A large part of what we leave at recycling centres is in such good condition that it can be sold in a secondary market. This is shown by a so-called pick-up analysis of nearly 17,000 individual products carried out by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Envir on behalf of Avfall Sverige – the Swedish Waste Management Association.
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