Interpreting Climate Calculations
Calculating the climate impact of products based on life cycle analyses (LCA) can be challenging for many procurement professionals, leading to difficulties in accurately interpreting the results, especially if the calculations have been conducted in different ways. In such situations, here are some tips on how to interpret climate information from different bidders.
Depending on the requirements set for a climate calculation, they can be reviewed in different ways. Generally, the person commissioning the climate calculation needs to review it to assess whether it has been carried out according to the specified requirements and whether the results seem reasonable. It is often difficult for the commissioner to have full transparency in the calculation, and the level of detail in the review can vary depending on the available documentation.
Therefore, it is important to consider this issue when setting requirements and consider how the review should be conducted. Thus, it is advised to include reporting requirements for what should be provided, including supporting documentation. Ideally, all bidders/projects should present the main results in the same way, for example in a results template, and then attach more detailed results and supporting documents from the calculation tool used.
The results template can include information such as the calculation tool used, coverage, climate impact, and the percentage of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) if this is a specified requirement. It is recommended to use Excel as the template, making it easy to transfer the results into a consolidated document that can be used as a basis for their review.
The review can then be conducted in several parts, which may partially overlap and depend on how the calculation was specified:
- Verify that the overall reporting has been completed according to the set requirements.
- Review the calculation and the plausibility of its results. To facilitate this review, there is a suggested review checklist in Chapter 5 of the "Vägledning – Klimatkrav vid upphandling av byggprojekt, version 2.01.
External link, opens in new window.
- If the requirements refer to "Anvisningar för LCA-beräkning av byggprojekt2
External link, opens in new window." from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, the review should include ensuring these have been met.
- Review other project-specific requirements, such as against a threshold value or percentage of EPDs.