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Flexi-Sync publications
Published deliverables and other publications will be found here.
Deliverable 1.1: Flexibility characterization and assessment methodologies Pdf, 1.3 MB, opens in new window.
Authors: Wolfgang Birk and Khalid Atta, LTU.
Published: 2020-10-31.
Deliverable 1.2: Design flexibility and flexibility constraints for optimization Pdf, 495 kB, opens in new window.
Authors: Wolfgang Birk, Khalid Atta and Maryam Razi, LTU.
Published: 2021-05-17.
Deliverable 1.3: Operational and design optimization methodologies for flexibility Pdf, 1 MB, opens in new window.
Authors: Wolfgang Birk, Khalid Atta, Maryam Razi, Andre Yamashita, LTU.
Published: 2021-11-30.
Deliverable 2.1: Definition of future scenarios Pdf, 645.5 kB.
Authors: Akram Sandvall, Érika Mata, Johanna Nilsson and Anna Nilsson (IVL) and Nicolás Pardo García, Demet Suna and Ralf-Roman Schmidt (AIT).
Published: 2021-09-10
Deliverable 2.3: Energy system cost-optimization of flexibility potentials Pdf, 4.1 MB.
Authors: Érika Mata, Dmytro Romanchenko, Burcu Ünlütürk, Anton Jacobson, Musbau Adeoye Bello and Veronika Kronnäs (IVL), Nicolas Pardo Garcia, Demet Suna, Ralf-Roman Schmidt and Sarah Wimmeder (AIT)
Published: 2022-09-08
Deliverable 3.1: Report on representative future weather data sets for selected demosite areas Pdf, 1.2 MB, opens in new window.
Authors: Vahid M. Nik, Chalmers.
Published: 2021-05-07.
Deliverable 3.2 and 3.3: Report on energy demand, climate flexibility and resilience of energy solutions for future climate Pdf, 1.1 MB.
Authors: Vahid M. Nik, Chalmers.
Published: 2022-09-22
Deliverable 4.1: Platform integration Pdf, 210.3 kB, opens in new window.
Authors: Jared Peacock and Johan Kensby, Utilifeed. Published: 2020-10-27.
Deliverable 4.2: Demand flexibility connected through smart heat grid Pdf, 644.5 kB.
Authors: Christian Johansson, NODA and Johan Kensby, Utilifeed
Published: 2022-03-16.
Deliverable 4.3: Minimum viable operational co-optimization tested in live operation Pdf, 380.1 kB, opens in new window.
Authors: Johan Kensby, Utilifeed.
Published 2021-06-04
Deliverable 4.4: Feature complete operational co-optimization Pdf, 323.7 kB.
Authors: Johan Kensby, Utilifeed
Published: 2022-04-26
Deliverable 5.2: Report on maintenance effects of flexibility installed in demosites Pdf, 325.6 kB, opens in new window.
Authors: Jan Henrik Sällström, RISE.
Published: 2021-05-17.
Deliverable 5.1: Analysis of price models Pdf, 3.1 MB.
Authors: Tobias Gunneberg, Sujeetha Selvakkumaran, Lina Eriksson and Ying Yang, RISE.
Published: 2022-06-15
Deliverable 5.3: End-user flexibility potential Pdf, 2.8 MB, opens in new window.
Authors: Sara Renström and Sofie Nyström (RISE), Burcu Ünlütürk (IVL) and Carolin Monsberger (AIT).
Published: 2021-06-04
Deliverable 5.4: Business model and market analysis for the new service Pdf, 1.9 MB.
Authors: Ying Yang, RISE, Carolin Monsberger, Klara Maggauer and Demet Suna, AIT.
Published: 2022-09-30
Anual reports
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Hosseini M, Javanroodi K, Nik VM. “High-resolution impact assessment of climate change on building energy performance considering extreme weather events and microclimate – Investigating variations in indoor thermal comfort and degree-days”, Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 78, p. 103634, Mar. 2022.
http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.103634 External link.
Javanroodi, K., Nik, V. M., Giometto, M. G, Scartezzini, J-L. ”Combining computational fluid dynamics and neural networks to characterize microclimate extremes: Learning the complex interactions between meso-climate and urban morphology”. Science of The Total Environment 2022; 829: 154223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154223 External link.
Nik VM, Moazami A. “Using collective intelligence to enhance demand flexibility and climate resilience in urban areas”, Applied Energy 2021;281:116106. doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116106 External link, opens in new window.
Nik VM, Perera A T D, Chen Deliang, “Towards climate resilient urban energy systems: a review”, National Science Review, 2020;, nwaa134, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa134 External link, opens in new window.
Simonsson, Johan; Atta, Khalid T.; Schweiger, Gerald; Birk, Wolfgang. 2021. "Experiences from City-Scale Simulation of Thermal Grids" Resources 10, no. 2: 10. https://doi.org/10.3390/resources10020010 External link, opens in new window.
Simonson, K. T. Atta and W. Birk, "Probabilistic Modeling of Thermal Grids using Gaussian Processes," 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju, Korea (South), 2020, pp. 36-41, https://doi.org/10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304284 External link.
Perera ATD, Javanroodi K, Nik VM. Climate resilient interconnected infrastructure: Co-optimization of energy systems and urban morphology. Applied Energy 2021;285:116430. https://doi.org/10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304284 External link, opens in new window.
Yang Y, Javanroodi K, Nik VM: Climate change and energy performance of European residential building stocks – A comprehensive impact assessment using climate big data from the coordinated regional climate downscaling experiment” Applied Energy 2021;298: 117246.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117246 External link, opens in new window.
Selvakkumaran, S., Eriksson, L., Ottosson, J., Lygnerud, K. and Svensson, I-L. (2021). “How are business models capturing flexibility in the District Energy (DE) grid?” Energy Reports, 7, 263-272. doi:
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2021.08.146 External link, opens in new window.
Other publications
"Internationellt samarbete för regionala lösningar External link, opens in new window.", article in Energivärlden (in Swedish), 2020-03-18
"Banbrytande metoder för fjärrvärme och fjärrkyla", article at LTU website (in Swedish), 2020-04-08
"Så ska strömförsörjningen tryggas i framtidens extremväder External link, opens in new window.", article in Energivärlden (in Swedish), 2020-10-02
"Flexi-Sync Flexible Energy System Integration using Concept development, demonstration and replication External link, opens in new window.”, article in Energieforschung (in German), 2020-04
“How to optimise district energy flexibility”, article on Celsius Toolbox (in English), 2020-09-24
”Besuch in der Pilot-Anlage in Maria-Laach External link, opens in new window.”, article in NÖN (in German), 2020-11-07
"District energy flexibility from a building resident perspective”, article on Celsius Toolbox (in English), 2021-05-07
“How to utilize district heating for cooling in a smart way”, article on Celsius Toolbox (in English), 2021-06-04