The Green Transition Leap provided SMEs with knowledge about the climate
How can SMEs create business opportunities and competitiveness in the climate transition? This was the subject of the project Omställningslyftet (The Green Transition Leap), in which IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute was a key partner. The aim was to increase SMEs' awareness of how to participate in the green transition.
What can a company do to help achieve climate goals? That was the subject of the project Omställningslyftet financed by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. The project aimed to coach, inspire and make visible to businesses and organisations what steps can be taken to make progress in the climate transition.
The project supported companies in implementing solutions to increase their capacity and provide tools to develop sustainable, competitive and future-proof businesses. A core element was business-oriented guidance.
IVL, with its broad network of contacts with companies, was an essential cog in this aim.
The project was finished in 2023.
Packaging IVL's knowledge
IVL wants to move from science to reality. In The Green Transformation Leap initiative, this meant packaging knowledge and experience from our research and innovation projects in easily accessible formats such as:
- climate analysis in the company’s value chain
- identifying a sustainability-driven business
- making your company's business model circular
- pointing the way to grant funding for your company's transformation efforts
- showing what export opportunities may be possible, for example, through the Smart City Sweden export platform
- create demand for the company's circular offering by accelerating demand from municipal procurement
Project facts
- Project name: The Green Transition Leap (Omställningslyftet)
- Budget: 100 millions SEK
- Funded by: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
- Partners: RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden). Bland övriga parter, förutom IVL, finns Sveriges inkubatorer och science parks (SISP), Energikontoren, Industriella UtvecklingsCentra (IUC), SuPr (den nationella noden för hållbar produktion) liksom bland andra Skill Training Scandinavia, Techtank, Mälardalen Industrial Technology Center (MITC), Företagsutbildarna i Sverige, Centrum för Informationslogistik i Ljungby, Industrihubb Örebro, Örnsköldsviks Industrigrupp, Träcentrum i Nässjö Kompetensutveckling, Tillväxt Gotland, Mälardalens Universitet.
- Period: 2022 - 2023
Jeanette GreenGruppchef Affärsutveckling och kommersialisering