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  5. Towards a bio-based economy - How is competition for Swedish forest raw materials affected?
Forest full of green tree and grass

Towards a bio-based economy - How is competition for Swedish forest raw materials affected?

The overall purpose of the project is to provide images of how forestry and demand for Swedish forest raw materials may develop in the future depending on political goals and instruments.

Both nationally and internationally, the importance of accelerating the development towards a bio-based economy is emphasized. Energy, environment and climate policy are driving development. This means that interest in the use of the Swedish forest resource is likely to increase. This is important for future competition for different raw material ranges from the forest and thus also for the long-term supply of raw materials to the energy sector and a number of industrial sectors.

The project, which is a collaborative project, is a cross-sectoral analysis of how competition for the Swedish forest resource may change in the time perspective 2030 and towards 2045. The project is mainly based on syntheses of existing knowledge and the competitive situation is analyzed in different perspectives.

Project facts

  • På väg mot en biobaserad samhällsekonomi. Hur påverkas konkurrensen om den svenska skogsråvaran?
  • Finansiär: Energiforsk, Energimyndigheten, SIVL, energiföretag och industri
  • Projektbudget: 6 MSEK
  • Samarbetspartner: Energiforsk, Profu, Chalmers, Lunds universitet, SLU
  • Period: 2019 - 2021