Roadshow helps local networks to address PFAS challenges
The need to remove PFAS from soil and water is growing rapidly as the problems are recognized. But do we have enough knowledge and experience? In this project, IVL wants to initiate local networks working to reduce PFAS.
PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are thousands of different substances found in everything from firefighting foam to cosmetics. They are difficult to break down and pose a high risk of negative health and environmental impacts.
Between 2023 and 2025, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute will go on a roadshow to three or four cities, to organize workshops and network meetings on PFAS. We want to create strategies for the work against PFAS by harnessing the local engagement, creating good collaborations, and understanding the challenges faced by different actors.
We address stakeholders affected by upcoming restrictions and where there is social pressure to take action on PFAS-contaminated water and soil.
IVL has a network of experts from government agencies and water and wastewater operators with extensive knowledge of the PFAS problem. We involve them to support the work of the networks.
Roadshow 1: Ängelholm 22 May 2024
The site in Ängelholm where the F10 air wing was located is contaminated with PFAS. Our first roadshow will bring together landowners, operators, developers, managers and others to find environmentally and economically sustainable ways to redevelop the site.
Roadshow 2: Autumn 2024
Roadshow 3: Spring 2025
We are now looking for locations for upcoming roadshows. Do you want to start work on PFAS, but are unsure how? We are looking for more municipalities and regions that are interested in receiving support from the project to create network meetings.
Our roadshow consists of face-to-face meetings where we adapt the content to local needs. We offer in-depth knowledge through seminars, workshops and visits to relevant sites. Participation is free, but places are limited.
If you want to organize a roadshow together with us, contact us on email, and we will be in touch.
Project facts
- Reducing PFAS emissions through network building and knowledge sharing
- Funded by: Formas
- Budget: 1,8 MSEK
- Period: 2022 - 2025