Knowledge from three research projects
The knowledge and material on this website have been developed within three previous research projects, which you can read more about here. During the projects we have carried out 26 measurement campaigns on 22 different ships. The measurements cover a total of 155 measurement sites, personal exposure of 184 people and over 3 500 analyses of chemical substances.
The first project, Good indoor environment on Swedish ships
, mapped the indoor air on Swedish ships of different types and with varying loads. The results showed that there were differences in the indoor environment depending on the type of fuel and propulsion.
The second project, Risk assessment of seafarers' exposure to hazardous air pollutants
, mapped the personal exposure of the crew. The results showed that all personal exposures were well below the Swedish Work Environment Authority's limit values.
The third project, Assessment of work environment and safety when choosing ship fuels
, investigated how different fuel alternatives affected the crew's indoor environment, work environment and safety. The results showed that cleaner fuels reduced exposure to hazardous substances.

Good indoor environment on Swedish ships
The project Good indoor environment on Swedish ships
was carried out between 2013 and 2015. The project aimed to make a broad survey of the presence of various hazardous substances and particles on different types of ships.
The project was financed by AFA Försäkring External link, opens in new window..
Download the report "God innemiljö på svenska fartyg" (In Swedish). Pdf, 4.4 MB.
Risk assessment of seafarers' occupational exposure to air pollution
In the follow-up project Risk assessment of Swedish seafarers' occupational exposure to hazardous air pollutants
, the stationary measurements were then supplemented with a survey of the crew's personal exposure. Between 2016 and 2018, measurements were carried out with 124 people on eleven different ships.
The project was funded by Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus External link, opens in new window..
Download the report "Riskbedömning av svenska sjömäns yrkesmässiga exponering för luftföroreningar" (In Swedish). Pdf, 6 MB.
Assessing occupational health and safety when choosing marine fuel
This project examined the impact of different fuel options on the indoor environment, health and safety of ships. The assessment includes the crew's personal exposure to hazardous air pollutants, the extent to which their tasks change, and how these impacts can be described in terms of occupational health and safety economics.
The project was funded by Stiftelsen Sveriges Sjömanshus. External link, opens in new window.
Download the report Bedömning av arbetsmiljö och säkerhet vid val av fartygsbränslen
(In Swedish) External link, opens in new window.